
In Normandy, the guests of the AS Dragon are on their way to the climate

In Normandy, the guests of the AS Dragon are on their way to the climate

Arriving in Normandy, the AS Dragon players quickly found their tokens on board the sea in the small town of Houlgate (Calvados). Adapting to the climate, meeting the inhabitants, separating and preparing the group, they meet the goals of their coast.

A Houlgate, the friends of AS Dragon will contact you immediately. “On these two installations with a small music”dit Roonui Tinirauarii, attaquant de l’AS Dragon. “Pour le moment, pas de blessé no de malads, on essaie de s’adapter au Maximum au froid, qui estre notre plus grand ennemi”ajoute Tamatoa Tetauira, approxApitaine du Club de Titioro.

First physical activity on the outside of Tahitia Journals, facing the arch. “It is very important to practice the good energy so that you can hold on to the cold that reigns in Normandy.”precise Tamatoa Tetauira.

Then visit the hall of Dives-sur-Mer, visited by Moyen-Age and the village of Guillaum le Conquérant.

Ensuite cap sur Cabourg for a meeting with the president of the Sport Union Dives Cabourg club, ravi de les recevoir. “This is extraordinary, this is the passion of football… and I have the chance to get a professional team, that is the most important thing, to work with this passion for football,” Explain the President Stephane Gilquin.

A photo of the family in front of the Cabourg casino stands in front of the sea, where they can abseil without colors and enter the cellar of Polynésie.

The report by Eric Cintas:
