
Securities profile Süss MicroTec SE WKN A1K023 ISIN DE000A1K0235 Chart Message Share price comparison

Securities profile Süss MicroTec SE WKN A1K023 ISIN DE000A1K0235 Chart Message Share price comparison

Securities profile Süss MicroTec SE WKN A1K023 ISIN DE000A1K0235 Chart Message Share price comparison

Süss MicroTec SE is currently in a dynamic market phase. The semiconductor supplier, whose shares are currently quoted at EUR 48.35, recently recorded a price increase of 4.34 percent. With a market capitalization of 919.5 million euros, the company continues to position itself as a significant player in the semiconductor industry. The figures show a remarkable development over the course of 2024, with the company paying a dividend of 0.20 euros.

Important trade fair appearance is coming up

The next important date for Süss MicroTec is the SEMICON Japan Exhibition on December 11, 2024. This trade fair is considered an important platform for presenting innovations in the field of semiconductor technology and could open up new business opportunities for the company in the Asian market.


Suess MicroTec share: buy or sell?! New Suess MicroTecAnalyzefrom November 29th provides the answer:

The latest Suess MicroTec figures speak for themselves: there is an urgent need for action for Suess MicroTec shareholders. Is it worth getting started or should you sell? In the current free analysis from November 29th you will find out what to do now.

Suess MicroTec: Buy or sell? Read more here…